Sunday, August 12, 2012

Twitter Hashtags for Writers

I have been doing a lot of research on platforming for writers as I am struggling in this realm of the self publishing universe. I will be instituting my own version of platforming over the next week but I thought I would share some interesting Twitter information.

If you use Twitter then you should be familiar with # or the hashtag. Its purpose is to collect tweets into categories by linking the hashtags. The most heavily used hashtags become the "trending" or top categories listed on the main page, which can be viewed by region or worldwide settings and is updated as a new trending topic emerges on top. Pretty neat to watch, in my opinion.

The writing community uses a lot of various tweet hashtags. Listed below are some of the ones I find more useful and/or interesting as far as the content:

For writing:

For editing:

For publishing:

For friendly promotions (not sales):
#WriterWednesday or #ww
#followfriday or #ff

Basically, if it is something that interests you, search Twitter and you'll probably find a category of tweets of use to you.

Do you have a specific tweet hashtag that you follow?

Love is love, no matter the back story. <3 DS

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