Sunday, July 24, 2011

Would you look at that!

Edit: 8/15/2012 Image removed. I don't want to be sued. Go here to read the Mashable article about the image going viral.

Niagra Falls mayor Paul Dyster finalized the (likely) first legal marriage in New York at 12:01am this morning. Look at the Falls and the building in the background. Incredible. Check the links below for a NYT about the lovely Kitty and Cheryl's big day and other articles of the celebration of love and equality!

New York Times: With a Kiss and a Vow, The Day Begins
Yahoo News/Reuters: New York State Celebrates First Same-Sex Marriages
Yahoo News/AFP: Hundreds of Gay Couples Marry In New York
Yahoo News/The Canadian Press: Gay Couples Begin Marrying Across the State...

Looking at some of the comments with these articles, equality still has an upward climb but we're getting there folks. Stay strong. Stand proud. Love is love, no matter the back story. Congratulations New York!

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